Here we go again... But balance is the secret; who knows, maybe the Savior would bring peace between the Luxons and the Kurzicks
The reality is harsh, the Nomads are far more demanding than the Poets... Takes roughly three times as much to please them. Life of a Luxon Companion ain't easy... much harder than what the Companion of the Kurzicks has to put up with!
Just this one and one more to go..!
As you might have noticed, Cher is no longer the Disciple of the Fury... Fury favors Kurzicks, and Cheryl needed some Luxon aliance. And best aliance is one's own, so... the Dusk Order: Worlds End in Silence was born.
Finally, my cape is matching my dress..! I should have done it a long time ago...
Actually, I'm hoping to join Fuzy back once she becomes Savior of the Luxons... If Fury will still exist.