Came up with that monk combo when Labyrinth was added to game; I generally don't like Monk tatoo sets worn as w complete sets, they look... kinda stupid imho. And complete Labyrinth looks like a monkey set, or more precisely like a monkey dancer set, with a little skirt... But the upper body design was tempting. Monks have actually quite well built bodies in GW, not exposing them is a shame :P And Kurzick pants make their shapy butts look even shapier..
Anyways, I was about to convince one of my befriended monks to abandon his jacket and show his torso in a fancy new tatoo with fancy new jewlery but he was quite resilient - he didn't want to be my doll ;( - but annother monk friend overheard my fashion proposition and decided to try it out. With great results, as you can see above. Cheryl feels really proud right now, her fashon sense was finally given a proper attention ;) Hmmm, I wonder if those bracelets and the choker will fit on Cher...
PS: The sexy monk on the photo is Sir Nifredil :)
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