I'm a biatch for titles, ain't I...
Actually, I'm quite upset recently, because Cherrie ain't self-sufficient anymore... There's no way she can acheve the titles she's up for now alone... I remember henching and heroing through Cartographers ans Skillhunters quite a challenge, but it wasn't as risky as Vanquishing... If my party got wiped once or twice or thrice, I cound simply start hugging the wall from the point I stopped... Wipe at Vanquish means you have to start over, all over. And it's really not easy for a caster, since tank is neccessary... And tanking is one of the things Hench and Hero AI can't do.
We did 3 last areas Cherrie had left w/o a 'real' tank... Nemikaze with her pyromancer team burned her (and our) way through Wilderness in about an hour, than I began to assamble a team for Vehtendi Valley... But we had no tank, so I went as Earth Tank again. This was a horror... the aggro got broken over and over again, I have no idea why.... Took us 2 hours... And I can't express how grateful I am to the monks (Robin and Otaku) for sticking up with me...
Than, one last area was The Mines... I had some volunteers but they had only one hour to do this... Wasn't enough to Earth Tank it as the tank is slow, so we didnt take any proper tank apart from MM and my Koss... who's only tanking abilities were 100 armor and 16 shield... and guess what, took us only 30 minutes :)
Anyways... I'm glad. Cantha coming up, and than... Tyria. I don't even want to think about how that will be like...
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