I must admit, I was never too fond of Domain of Anguish as it's not my idea of full-of-fun challenge (and as it's mostly too dark to see my dresses well...); I'd rather say, it was always irritating and frustrating, especially to a Mesmer who does not fit into any cookie-cutter build. Nor did I really like any of the Tormented weapons... I used to have other preferences (like Zodiac, Celestial or Platinium ones). Overall, I used to keep away from DoA for the sake of my sanity, time and fun gained from the game experience.
Hall of Monuments changed that a bit... I'm a Monument Bitch recently, shame to admit... and not having the statue of the Big Hairy Ape in there... well, I could live with that, but...
Fortunatelly, rest of my usual party group felt the same way: we had to find a way to beat Mallyx, at least once, for the sake of our poke-like collections. Thankfully, ANet did a lot of stupid inventions recently, one of which made it possible for us to clear DoA in 4 hours (not a bad time for first-timers, is it?).
Here is Cher with the dead Ape. Ugly, aint he?
BTW, why does one Margonite Lord look like an Ape, unlike all other Margonites?
And here is Gods-and-Beyond slaying party (from left to right; Mallyx does for the background):
Livia the Killer Decoltage, General Morgah, Robinnia, Cherrie, Gniewosz the Red Ninja, Kamyk, Sabath and Debianka.
And... well... I only have one question now...
I understand Mallyx is a Big, Fat Ape... but why in the name of the Gods do players have to suffer getting his favourite banana as a reward?? Seriously...
We might be doing Domain of Anguish some more as it lasts... It would be a pity not to collect those fancy hero armors etc... Besides, I've recently grown even more of a fashion victim than I used to be and now I'm dreaming of a fancy Tormented set for Cherrie... not that I suddently began to like the design... but onbe has to aim for something, rite? A Fast Casting staff and a nice luring Longbow would be nice...
So beware, Ape, and hide your bananas, because here we come!
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