My cute little Nanu.. We found him on our first Turtle attempt few weeks ago, but because he's so special I decided that the screenshots I made back than weren't good enough. Today I finally made my Meleth Nin spare me his computer for a few minutes so that I could catch the cuteness in full grace.
So, here is cute little Nanu, my little dream in LotRO - next time he appears in the Mossy Chest, he is mine. Unfortunately, despite the numerous attempts since the encounter was released, we haven't seen him since... And trust me, restraining myself not to steal this one from Nimminas kin house is a big achievement for me.
As you can see, the small little fella is not quite shy, above you can probably spot that he's trying to nom on Sil's satchel. He probably wants the treats she always brings him ;)
Heya, I just wanted to say hi and that I really like your LotRO blog *follower*.
ReplyDeleteAlso, we need more Nanu!!! I've done about twenty turtle runs so far and only seen him/her/it drop once. The cutest and awesomest housing item ever - my goal is to get two; one for each Large Yard slot in my garden... like that's ever gonna happen though.
I don't think I'd like two Nanu's, I'd refer to think of.. uhm.. It? ^^ - as unique. But I agree, that's the most awesome housing item out there, gives me a feeling of having a pet. If only the odds were not that low :/ We have also made dozens of turtle runs, but only one Nanu.
ReplyDeleteAt least I CAN (in potence...) steal it. I would have to change password to my account and I would get some severe spanking from my Meleth Nin, but I can ^^
I think my kin would... kinda... forgive me.
Also thank you for following my blog! I'm very happy you like it.
PS He does make a lot of noise for such a little turtle, doesn't he? :)
Just thought I'd let you know, you're not taking the one from our kinship hall.